The Do’s and Don’ts of Kelowna Home Renovations

When you think of the word renovation, what comes to mind? Is it frustration? Confusion? Maybe it’s the overwhelming feeling of taking on such a big task… At Creative Touch Interiors Kelowna, we understand that reno’s are often daunting tasks and many people deter themselves from updating their space in order to avoid these emotions. But we have good news, you don’t have too! Today, we’re outlining the do’s and don’ts of renovating that will help keep your mindset clear and the project pleasant.
DO put thought into design and materials
Going into any sort of renovation takes precise planning and an organized thought process. It’s a smart idea to establish your end design objective, your must-haves and overall theme you hope to see play out. For example, when selecting materials, view them in your home before making a final decision. Also, try researching into the functionality and sustainability of items you love. That stainless stove might look perfect in your sleek kitchen, but how will it run a year from now? At Creative Touch we are here to help define your vision so that expectations are met and the development goes smoothly.
DON’T act on impulse and what’s trendy
Have you ever made a clothing purchase simply because the sale was “too good to pass up”? Then you get home, try it on and can’t believe you wasted your money! The same thing can happen when shopping for appliances, large scale materials and accessories. Don’t compromise on your “dream item” just because something similar, but not the same quality or feel, comes along. Impulse buys are dangerous because they often come with deal breakers like “final sale item” and “store credit only.” The same mentality should also be applied to investing in what’s trendy. Sapphire blue is the “it” color this season, but will you still love that tile mosaic when the next season rolls in? Instead make small purchases such as pillows or throws to try out the latest and greatest!
DO remain open minded & trust your professional
We encourage our clients to be part of the renovation process and speak up with their ideas and suggestions. You should be incredibly pleased with the outcome of your home and, ultimately, that is our goal! When you’re doing a renovation, you’re investing in your home and we are there to help you avoid costly mistakes! Turning your vision into a reality should be as smooth of a process as possible… so trust in us with our advice to make that happen!
DON’T stray from the plan
Have you ever felt like there are so many ideas in your head and you want to see them all through? Suddenly you start to overthink everything and become a ticking time bomb of stress and worry… but that’s why you’ve trusted in a team of professionals to take all that off of your plate. Although there is always room to adapt, there’s usually a reason an initial plan was developed (meeting functionality as well as your desires). When you wander off the intended path, often times everything gets launched into disarray! To avoid a big mess and impulse decisions, stick to the guide set out at the beginning. That original focus and goal will usually be what your heart always comes back to at the end of the renovation project.
DO divide up tasks
Luckily, at Creative Touch we take care of project management for you. But if you’re venturing into a small reno on your own, this tip can be deemed extremely useful. Between you and your partners, decide who will take responsibility for what and discuss the most efficient way for the assignments to get done. Also, be sure to assign a “project manager” as having a leader encourages efficient communication, especially with suppliers and trades. Focus on building good teamwork as it will strengthen the relationships between everyone. When you embark upon a mission that is clearly outlined and managed, chances of failure and frustration decrease drastically!
DON’T try to handle it on your own
It’s your home, your space and we understand that you want to be apart of the design process, but we’re here to make this entire experience less stressful. If you want to be involved, we encourage all the feedback you can provide! It’s greatly appreciated and gives us the chance to work collaboratively with you. However, at the end of the day we want to be there to handle the messy elements! We’re experienced at handling stressful parts of the job and we’re there to make your renovation project as seamless as we can.
Whether you choose to work with us or adventure into your reno DIY style, we hope this do and don’t list provided you with insight on how to plan and implement a successful renovation. If any other questions come to mind and you’re wondering how to go about a home reno, we are happy to give more advice in anyway possible; all you have to do is contact of Kelowna interior design team. We specialize in combining interior design with renovation project management in order to deliver superior results on time & within budget. Remember – home renovations should remain enjoyable and creative!
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